Friday, August 17, 2012


Hello and asalaam alaykum to all Muslims and everyone that is interested in Islam.

I have created this as a source for everyone to read and benefit from and spread the words of Allah the Almighty, our beloved Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and similar.

There are several Islamic blogs and sites worldwide that I refer to from time to time and masha'Allah, the information there has brought me closer to Allah (at least I like to think so) and I am very happy about that. We all strive to get closer to the Almighty, right? What else is the use of this life otherwise. I see so many people including our Muslim brothers and sisters running after this world's (dunya) benefits forgetting that the real world lies in the hereafter. I do not want to point fingers at them or mock them rather we should all make an effort to remind them in the most polite manner that the world post Qiyamah (Judgement Day) is the world we should look forward to. I mean, we finally get to see Allah, the numerous Prophets (peace be upon them all), His angels, Angel Jibreel (peace be upon him), Paradise and all the wonderful things we know about (insha'Allah).

This blog will include all the important things I know of or recite or that which I come across and want to share with fellow Muslims.

I want to be able to get the point across in a short blog post instead of a long one. Make no mistake, I do not want to offend anyone or anyone who writes long posts. We are all here to spread the word of Islam and share our knowledge. Sometimes, I feel that people tend to skip most of the long blog posts and may miss out on the important things. And on that note, I shall end this post.

Please feel free to link the blog or it's articles to your social networks or whichever way you feel you would want to share.

I am in no way an Islamic scholar or an imam. I am one of you, so if I make any mistakes through my posts I apologize.

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