Sunday, August 26, 2012

Greatest Repentance Dua

This is one of the most powerful dua for repentance. It is recommended to be read before Fajr prayer (although I read it after Maghrib as well). It is called Sayyid-ul-Istigfar.

Allahumma anta rabbi la ilaha illa anta khalaqtanee wa ana abduka wa ana a'la a'hdika wa w'adika mastat'atu auzhubika min sharri ma sana'atu abuo laka bini'amatika alayya wa abou bizhambi fagfirli fainnahu la yagfiruzhunuba illa anta.

Oh Allah, you are my lord. None has the right to be worshiped except you. You created me and I am Your servant and I abide to Your covenant and promise (to honor it) as best I can. I take refuge in You from the evil of which I committed. I acknowledge Your favor upon me and I acknowledge my sin. So forgive me for verily none can forgive sins except You.

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) has been recorded as saying, " If somebody recites it during the day with firm faith in it and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it and dies before the morning he will be from the people of Paradise"(mentioned in Sahih Al Bukhari).

I just want to clarify the meaning of this statement else people will think they will land in Paradise by just reading this dua. You need to ask daily, with sincere devotion to Allah to forgive your sins. Once you are void of sins, you enter Paradise and this is what our Prophet meant to say through his statement. So, ask for forgiveness, do good essence, be a good Muslim so you can enter Paradise.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Powerful Way Of Getting Your Dua Accepted

One of the most powerful ways of calling on Allah is to say the following just before your dua:

Ya arhamar rahimeen 
 (say it three times and then proceed with your dua)

Sorry I could not find the image of the Arabic verse.
The meaning of this verse is: ""Oh most merciful, out of all those who provide mercy". It is said, when you utter this verse thrice,Allah's eye/focus is on you. Imagine how powerful this verse is! Imagine Allah looking at you directly and you are asking for what you desire. It is also said, that when this verse is uttered an angel in the heaven says to Allah, "Look, someone is calling you" and then Allah's sight/eyes look at you. This verse can also be said when you are in sujood.

Brothers and sisters, as mentioned before please be sincere in your duas especially when using this verse. Try not to have distractions in your mind (sometimes it can be what did I park my car correctly or what to cook or has my download of a movie completed etc). Speak to Allah with a clear mind and you will see how well you connect with Him with no interruptions from the accursed devil.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Dua: After Drinking Milk

There are duas to be said before and after you eat or drink but this is one easy dua you can learn to say after you drink milk. We all drink milk everyday, alhamdullilah so here's the dua:

Allahumma barik lana fihi wa zidna minhu

This is a small dua so take a picture of it in your phone so it will be available to you every time.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Forgiveness Of Sins

Everyone has sins- major and minor. That is why we must pray to Allah and repent sincerely so He can wipe away those sins. I want to clarify something. Most of the time, you will hear the phrase 'forgiveness of sins''. Some people think that by just saying, "Allah, I repent. So forgive my sins"- they feel their sins will be forgiven. Maybe Allah forgives them but you should remember:

Allah loves to forgive. This is why one must grab the opportunities and repent sincerely until the Gates of Mercy are open. Once they have been closed ( You know you have repented sincerely when you start to cry when you are asking for forgiveness. Sometimes you don't know why tears come in your eyes- it happens all of a sudden. This is the time when your heart and mind realize the punishment of your sins and the wrath of Allah- and that's when you are truly connected to Allah and asking for forgiveness. Tears are a sign of your devotion and sincerity. There are many people who just say, "Forgive me" and get up from their salaah/ prayer and continue with their life. Sometimes, we cannot concentrate in our duas or prayers as we have worldly matters in the back of your head. Please, brothers and sisters- remember that a sincere dua from the heart is what brings you closer to Allah, whether the dua is for asking for material possessions or for forgiveness. I'm not saying that you should forcefully cry in your duas/ repentance. The tears will come automatically once you have blocked out everything from your mind and the focus is to receive Allah's forgiveness (you also come closer to Allah with full concentration- that is a bonus!)

So- here are 4 things you can do to wipe away your sins:

Point 1: This is a powerful dua that the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) told his wife Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) to read on Laylat ul Qadr. If you read the meaning of it, you will understand why it was recommended to read on that night and why should make it a point to read it every time after each salaah/prayer:

Allahumma innaka affuwan tuhibul afwa fa'fu anni
Oh Allah, you are pardoning and you love to pardon. So pardon me.

Point 2: hould you have committed a sin, them you must make Wudhu and read 2 rakats asking Allah for forgiveness. Insha'Allah, you will be forgiven. You can also read the above dua after the prayer.

Point 3:  The Tahajjud prayer is one of the best ways to seek whatever you want from Allah, be it forgiveness or His blessings or something else. It is said you can either read 2 rakats nifl or 4 or 12 (but done in sets of 2; so if you want to read 4 then, 2 rakats + 2 rakats). This prayer is read during the last portion of the night (so perhaps wake up say, 2 hours or so before Fajr to pray this). It is also said that the Tahajjud prayer time starts right after Isha until Fajr. So you can pray anytime between this. Please remember that the Witr prayer has to be the last prayer before Fajr. So you should not end your Isha prayer with Witr if you are going to pray Tahajjud. After Tahajjud, read Witr of Isha prayer.

Point 4: Apart from this, always ask Allah to forgive you for the sins. Minor sins are forgiven insha'Allah by reading the 2 rakats I have mentioned in point 2. The bigger ones, however you  need to ask for repentance daily along with reading the above dua as many times as you can. It is best to read the above dua on the tasbeeh to increase the count.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Read: Surah Yaseen

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) has said that everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yaseen. Apart from the different benefits of this Surah, here are two which I wanted to highlight:

  • Reading this Surah means receiving the reward from Allah of reading the Quran ten times.
  • Reading this Surah for the pleasure of Allah means having your past sins forgive.

It is also mentioned that reading Surah Yaseen helps ease one's hardships or difficulties in life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Read: Surah Kawther

It is said that should something/ someone be lost, in order for Allah to ease your path in finding the object/person it is said to read the following Surah:

  • Surah Kawther
  • Recite three times with the intention of finding the missing object/person.

Insha'Allah, Allah will guide you and you will find what you are looking for in a matter of minutes or a few hours. This is truly a miracle Surah- I can vouch for the effectiveness of this Surah as I have found many lost things by reading this. But remember, you must read it with sincerity and a pure intention.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Read: Ayat ul Kursi

Do you not think that the Ayat ul Kursi are the most beautiful words that describe Allah? For those that do not understand Arabic well, I urge you to please read the meaning of Ayat ul Kursi prior to reading it in Arabic. You will appreciate and understand each verse better.

  • Read Ayat ul Kursi at least once before you go to sleep. 
  • It is said that Allah sends a group of angels to protect you while you sleep and no Satan can come near you. If you read it twice, Allah sends two angels (who are equivalent to the group of angels and I am assuming more stronger). Here is the best part: if you read Ayat ul Kursi thrice, Allah says to the angels- "Do not go to this person. I (Allah) will take care of him/her".

I have been informed recently, if you read Ayat ul Kursi for the dear ones that are deceased- Allah creates light for them in the grave. I am not sure what the authenticity of this is- if any of you know, then please comment in the comments section.

There are many benefits of Ayat ul Kursi including the protection from evil and Allah guiding you all the time, but I wanted to highlight this one.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Protect Yourself From All Things Evil

Many a times, when you have something new that your purchased or have achieved something in life (could be setting up a new business or being successful at a task), have you noticed how something bad happens to it? In other words- attack of the evil eye. Sometimes major bad things happen or sometimes minor bad things but at the end of the day it is still a bad thing which we all want to avoid.

So, the best thing for you to do before you show something to people (be it a new dress, a new car, your new office or even when you are leaving home everyday), read the following:

1) Surah Nas
2) Surah Falaq
3) Surah Ikhlas
(Read the above 3 times each)
4) Ayat ul Kursi
(Read this once)

The significance of these 4 is a powerful protection against evil. It is also recommended by the Prophet (PBUH) to read this before you go to bed. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Read: Surah Mulk

"There is a Surah which will plead for its reciter till it causes him to enter paradise"

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) has urged us to read Surah Mulk. He was recorded as saying that this Surah acts as your defender or intercessor on the Day of Judgement. It will cry/plead for you in the sense that it will ask Allah to grant you paradise.

This simply means that when you read the verses of the Quran, they reside in your heart. And Allah will hear your heart on Qiyamah and the verses of Surah Mulk will speak for you. This is what I understand from this.

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) also said that this is a small Surah of only 30 verses. Surah al Mulk is the protector from the torment of the grave.

This Surah will continue interceding on behalf of its reciter until he/she is pardoned by Allah. So, read it everyday.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Hello and asalaam alaykum to all Muslims and everyone that is interested in Islam.

I have created this as a source for everyone to read and benefit from and spread the words of Allah the Almighty, our beloved Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and similar.

There are several Islamic blogs and sites worldwide that I refer to from time to time and masha'Allah, the information there has brought me closer to Allah (at least I like to think so) and I am very happy about that. We all strive to get closer to the Almighty, right? What else is the use of this life otherwise. I see so many people including our Muslim brothers and sisters running after this world's (dunya) benefits forgetting that the real world lies in the hereafter. I do not want to point fingers at them or mock them rather we should all make an effort to remind them in the most polite manner that the world post Qiyamah (Judgement Day) is the world we should look forward to. I mean, we finally get to see Allah, the numerous Prophets (peace be upon them all), His angels, Angel Jibreel (peace be upon him), Paradise and all the wonderful things we know about (insha'Allah).

This blog will include all the important things I know of or recite or that which I come across and want to share with fellow Muslims.

I want to be able to get the point across in a short blog post instead of a long one. Make no mistake, I do not want to offend anyone or anyone who writes long posts. We are all here to spread the word of Islam and share our knowledge. Sometimes, I feel that people tend to skip most of the long blog posts and may miss out on the important things. And on that note, I shall end this post.

Please feel free to link the blog or it's articles to your social networks or whichever way you feel you would want to share.

I am in no way an Islamic scholar or an imam. I am one of you, so if I make any mistakes through my posts I apologize.